The Epistle of Paul The Apostle to the Romans

Seven Amens make Romans as a Seven Course Meal served unto both Jews and Gentiles;
To the Jew first
(as Jews first requested abolition of law: Deut 18:16), and also to the Greek.

His angel plays the last trump it

A Revelatory Commentary on Romans

Theme: chanGe: from (blind) faith (laws) to (seeing) faith (grace). Ye/we are not under the law, but under grace: mentioned x2: unto both Jews and Gentiles, for there is no respect of persons with God. Seven Amens make Romans a seven course meal; Seventh Amen being unto the only wise God  through  Jesus --> Christ.

Related Pages: Epistle Format Romans 1:1 Romans 1:7 Romans 2:1  Romans 2:11 Romans 4:15 Romans 5:13 Romans 7:6  Romans 7:8  Romans 7:23 Romans 8:2 Romans 10:4 Romans 11:20 Romans 16:17

Romans: A Revelatory Commenatry on Romans

Title of Romans: The Epistle of Paul The Apostle to the Romans

First thing revealed by the title of Romans is it's an "Epistle". Furthermore it's an epistle of "Paul", of Saul-->Paul (Law-->Grace: Sacrifice-->Mercy: Division-->Peace); So it's a Pauline Epistle having a unique format: Greeting-->Law vs Grace Discussion-->Conclusion. Furthermore it's an epistle of Paul "The Apostle", who writes more New Testament writings than all the other six New Testament writers combined; For grace us Paul: his witness unto all men, is titled as The Apostle in the majority (12 of 15) of his epistles, which notably brought about the conversion of Peter, who was notably called Satan when he was the denying and dissimulating Peter of Simon-->Peter. Lastly the title reveals it is written "to the Romans", conquerors of the ancient world (an empire turned to sand), who albeit gave every man conquered both freedom of religion and a trial hearing before condemned to death; Yet such like also brought about their own destruction from within, by putting their trust (faith) in laws (by using of laws all perish) and in wars (are good for nothing, and friend only to the under-taker: law). So what is written to the Romans is written "to all that be in Rome" (allegory: to all that be in Law). What is written to all such like, both Jews and Gentiles, is: Grace and Peace unto You from God and Son: will have mercy (grace), and not sacrifice (law), so that none perish by grace and truth rather than all perish by laws and lies. 

Epistle: First biblical mention of "epistle", in Acts, denotes it was sent unto those first called Christians at Antioch to settle a dispute thereof: whether or not Christians should be kept under law. That "epistle" clarified Christians should not be kept under law; And they sayers who were saying there is Peace and safety in the law, even though they were sent out from the mother church at Jerusalem (in bondage with her children), were subverters of souls, and not converters of souls. The Epistle Dedicatory, of Translators of the Bible, was also written to clarify a dispute: whether or not there should be a more exact translation which was neither Protestant nor Roman Catholic, a seventh bible made better from six good, to make God's holy truth more known, that a true Christian is neither popish nor self-conceited. In like manner The Epistle of Paul The Apostle To The Romans is written to clarify a dispute: Law vs Grace, with Pauline clarity in Romans 6:14,15 that ye/we are "not under the law, but under grace"... x2: to both Jews and Gentiles. We are delivered from the law: Romans 7:6. For there is neither peace nor safety in "law worketh wrath". Where no law there no transgression of desolation nor abomination that maketh desolate. Selah.

The Author of Romans: Paul: "The Apostle".

Paul: The Author of Romans: has several biblical titles.
Nobody disputes Paul being author of Romans, as it's one of 13 grouped Pauline Epistles which flat out begins with "Paul". But some dispute Paul as author of Hebrews (as if anyone other than Paul an Hebrew of Hebrews would be qualified to write such mini bible); And few notice all Paul's epistles are hand signed with his "token" in every epistle, which is also called "the last trump". Fewer still notice Paul is thereby also author of Revelation; making epistles he authors a total of 15. Mean while, the latest sounding brass bandwagon many jump on, is Paul bashing: saying Paul disagrees with Jesus Christ and preaches a sacrifice gospel of warfare and bloodshed. How silly, as Paul notes the only foundation laid to build on is Jesus Christ, by who came grace and truth for comparison to law and lie; And Paul's first canonized epistle immediately notes Paul is "separated unto the gospel of God": Grace (separate clarified in Hebrews as becoming "us", which is neither of twain them vs them; thereby holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, higher than the (plural) heavens, and thereby needeth not offer up sacrifice (neither good nor better sacrifices) as them vs them do. Thereby Paul is not ashamed of the gospel of Christ (is the end of the law): Peace thereof. So Paul's gospel is "the gospel of God": Grace and "the gospel of Christ": Peace; Grace and Peace. So his holy kiss greeting to brethren all is Grace and Peace from God and Son, the Son clarified as Jesus Christ (not Christ Jesus), and peace clarified as being through J-->C, in C.
From the title of Romans: The Epistle of Paul The Apostle To The Romans, it is notable Paul is therein called The Apostle. Paul also has several other biblical titles, one such being a faithful steward of the mysteries of God. So, as Steward, Paul both cleverly reveals and cleverly conceals.

Paul, as both Jew and Gentile, writes to both Jews and Gentiles
Paul was both a Jew and a Roman citizen by birth. As Saul of Tarsus he became a Pharisee more zealous than peers, after being trained under the tutelage of Gamaliel: a doctor of the law. As Saul he became a well travelled and renowned orator, fluent in Aramaic, Greek, and Hebrew. When 120 elect tried to make eleven apostles twelve again by electing Mathias to replace Judas, God chose Saul to become Paul: his witness unto all men. Saul's zeal for Law chanGed to Paul's zeal for Grace and Truth. For even when under law, Paul was blameless. He kept the law to the letter. So Paul became zealously grace us, after being told: my grace is sufficient for thee, when thrice praying to have the thorn in his flesh: John, removed (killed), as John was bewitching churches Paul and others established in grace, subverting them back to law. So Romans, canonized first of Pauline Epistles, also has this zealous goal, for both Jews and Gentiles: "to the end ye be established (eternally stablished with grace: Hebrews 13:9; Revelation 22:21)": Romans 1:11.

Christ-ianity isn't Jesus-ianity, like Paul isn't Saul nor both Paul & Saul
Paul is often debated as the founder of Christianity. Some Protestants say Jesus is. Some Roman Catholics presume Peter: Cephas: first Pope is. But when looking into Acts of the Apotles, which is primarily written about Paul by Luke to set things in order, we find those first called Christians at Antioch the first year were the likes of terrorist Saul; unconverted Peter: called Satan (Mt16:23) told to get converted (Lk22:32), who hypocritically dissimulated; And Barnabas: who introduced Paul to other apostles as a mediator, but then got carried away by Peter's dissimulation. So it is notable Saul didn't become Paul until Acts 13; But they were first called Christians in Acts 11. Peter got converted much later, and notably by reading all of Paul's epistles: 2Peter3. According to Paul, the founder of Christianity is "Christ": the end of the law, the head of every man(of child/man), the head of the body of Christ, which includes all men, both Jews and Gentiles. As for "Jesus", he notably brought division(unrest) and not peace(rest): Mt10:34; Lk12:51; Jn7:43: Heb4:8; But Christ is our peace(rest) who abolished the law: Eph2:14, and is not divided: 1Cor1:13. By abolition of law, Christ ended all law vs law and law vs grace divisions among men. So it is written both eternal life and peace with God are "through Jesus --> Christ", which is allegorically through Law --> Grace, end focusing on "Christ is the end of the law": Romans 10:4. It is also Pauline noted reconciling the world to God, specifically "that God" of this/that Gods, is done "in Christ"; And notably by not law imputing sin to them for the hell of it. So we find, in the concluding chapter of Romans, the Pauline exhortation to mark and avoid them causing divisions: Romans 16:17.

The Pauline Greeting: Holy Kiss of Charity: Grace & Peace (Rest)
( Romans 1:7; 16:16; 1Corinthians 16:20; 2Corinthians 13:12; 1Thessalonians 5:26; 1Peter 5:14 )
Like all Pauline Epistles except Hebrews: a mini bible itself, Romans begins with Grace unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. It's the "firstly pure wisdom from above" noted in James 3's comparison of two wisdoms. Hence 14 of 15 Pauline Epistlesyou; Allegorically also to the entire kingdom of God located "within you": Luke 17:21. Pure grace is the same as pure religion mentioned in James 1:27; It's undefiled and it remains unspotted. It neither tempts nor can be tempted. Unlike the grace Noah found in the eyes of the LORD, which was partial to Noah; The grace that came by Jesus Christ (John 1:17), and as if the second coming, is pure and impartial. So the conclusion of all Pauline Epistles, and the conclusion of the New Testament, and the conclusion of the Holy Bible containing Old & New Testaments, clarifies what sort of grace is "with you all", against none.

Romans is written to the world: Both Jews and Gentiles (Greeks)
For "there is no respect of persons with God" (only against God)

Unlike other Pauline Epistles, Romans is written to the world: to both Jews and Gentiles in the Roman Empire (the world at the time), to Jew and Greek differ not, both having the same Lord over all ("the same" being "Jesus Christ": Hebrews 13:8, not Christ Jesus). We know it's to the world because there's no record of any Pauline church being established in Rome. Another reason is the book of Romans twice mentions this; as if to the Jew first, also to the Greek:
        - to the Jew first: ye are not under the law, but under grace
        - also to the Greekwe are not under the law, but under grace
Romans also twice concludes this, as if also for both Jews and Gentiles:
 - to the Jew first: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
 - also to Gentile: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
Such conclusion is allegorically called the "last trump": the unique "token" (ticket to heaven) of Paul in every epistle. It's written by his own hand, thrice noted, which thereby also makes Paul the author of Revelation, not of John. For the grace Noah found in the "eyes" of the LORD was partial, but the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is impartial; Notably "with you all", against none.

The little known reason the gospel of Paul: Grace and Peace: which is the gospel of God(Grace) our Father: the author of peace(rest) and not of confusion(division), is to both Jews and Gentiles, but notably "to the Jew first" (Romans 1:16; 2:10) is not because the Jew is more beloved (as John thought), but for this reason: Law was first given to the Jews, never to the Gentiles, and it was Jews at Mt Sinai (Horeb) in Arabia who first requested abolition of the law; Law being a "ministration of condemnation" and a "ministration of death":
2Corinthians 3:7,9 which they couldn't bear to hear: Hebrews 12, lest they die by such condemning deadly curse of the law. We also find this in Deuteronomy 18:16,17 where it notes Jews "well spoke", by requesting law not be spoken to them again. In response, Christ abolished the law(singular) of (plural) commandments (Eph 2:15): the surely die lie, the tree law in Genesis 2:17, which caused the transgression of the woman (where no law, there no transgression: Romans 4:15), and because of the transgression other laws were added: 10 in stone at Mt Sinai, 613 more in the Torah; And to make it painfully obvious, even "evident" to all: that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God. For the law is not of faith: Galatians 3:11, and whatsoever is not of faith is sin: Romans 14:23. So we see that Romans comes into play in all the other Pauline Epistles, and is aptly canonized first of Pauline Epistles.

Romans has Seven "Amen"s,
making it a seven course meal

                                     1. Romans 1:1 - 1:25         Amen
                                     2. Romans 1:26 - 9:5         Amen
                                     3. Romans 9:6 - 11:36       Amen
                                     4. Romans 12:1 - 15:33     Amen
                                     5. Romans 16:1 - 16:20     Amen to JC grace with you all: Jews
                                     6. Romans 16:21 - 16:24   Amen to JC grace with you all: Gentiles
                                     7. Romans 16:25 - 16:27   Amen to God only wise thru J-->C

Plural Psalms also has Seven Amens; But thrice gives "Amen and Amen" to Grace and Law of two allegoric LORDs cleverly hidden therein, with the last Amen of Psalms going to the God of Israel: Law. In comparison and constrast the last Amen of the Seven Amens in Romans goes to: "the only wise God", and notably "through Jesus-->Christ", which end focuses on Christ: is the end of the law: Romans 10:4. So we have Paul's conclusion of Romans clarifying only one God is wise, of foolish/wise Gods. When studied out it's Grace of Law/Grace: Grace being the invisible King eternal and immortal that is incorruptible (neither tempteth nor can be tempted) and is higher than the heavens; Law being a mortal and corruptible God on high, which Pauls says mind not: Romans 12:16. Romans 11:20 also notes be not highminded, which is repeated in 1Timothy 6:17, because in 2Timothy 3 highminded is listed among unholy things to turn away from, and in Ephesians 6 wickedness occurs in high places. Romans 7:6 also notes we are delivered from the law; And as if delivered from wrath noted in 1Thessalonians 1:10 ("law worketh wrath" is noted in Romans 4:15) because God(Grace) hath not appointed us to wrath: 1Thessalonians 5:9. Delivered from law is also as if delivered from evil: Matthew 6:13 (Our Father... deliver us from evil). For law was both good and evil, but grace is good only, not evil nor wrathful, only graceful merciful peaceful.

God Forbid?
"God Forbid" is mentioned 10 times in Romans 3 -11
Allegoric meaning: no, not this, this isn't what the only true God (His Grace) is really about; So consider such is a comparative teaching and keep on reading to find out just what "God only wise" is really about. The first mention of "God Forbid" is notably clarified with "let God be true and every man a liar". Every man would include Paul, who is steward of the mysteries of God, and is writing Romans as a servant, kinda like the prophets of old were servants; sometimes playing the devils advocate. Paul does this within his opening and closing grace, which allows such comparative teaching that both reveals and conceals, depending on whether the reader is led of the Spirit of truth or error. If error (law), such things can be used to be pro law; If truth, then not pro law, rather flush law as dung to gain Christ is the end of the law, not mend of law.

Romans mentions Christ Jesus x6 & Jesus Christ x27;
But Pauline Epistles open & close with "Jesus Christ".

The only foundation laid to build on is Jesus Christ, not Christ Jesus.
As a steward of the mysteries of God, Paul both reveals & conceals. He uses both CJ & JC which are mirrorly reverse, oft writing unto "Christ Jesus" people as an apostle of "Jesus Christ"; Jesus Christ being the only foundation laid to build on: Matthew 1:1, which Paul also clarifies: 1Corinthians 3:11. Paul opens and closes his epistles with "Jesus Christ", opening with "the Lord Jesus Christ", closing with "our Lord Jesus Christ"; Allegorically clarifying he's an apostle of "Jesus Christ" (Grace & Truth), not Christ Jesus (Law & Lie). Yet Paul also clarifies peace(rest) with God is "through" Jesus(division) --> Christ(peace).

Peace with God is through J-->C(peace), not through C-->J(division)
For Jesus-->Christ end focuses on Grace: on Christ is the end of the law, and thereby our peace(rest) who abolished the law. Abolition of law essentially ends all law vs law and law vs grace divisions(unrest). Hence we find Christ sitteth above (higher than the heavens): Colossians 3, seated denoting he's at rest(peace). So the world is reconciled unto "that God" and "in Christ", not Jesus; And notably by not law imputing their sins to them. So it is written peace with God and eternal life of eternal salvation are notably "through Jesus-->Christ". For Christ-->Jesus end focuses on another Law: of Law vs Law which results in evil concupiscence: wretched Paul, or on division of Law vs Grace of Jesus. Jesus played two parts: Son of Man and Son of God; But this Son of God on high is in plural divided heavens, CJ new high priest thereof. So, since such is division and not peace, we are Pauline exhorted to mind not high things in Romans 12:16. Yet to gain those who are highminded, such as Jews, Paul became as a Jew, to first edify them up to where they can be exhorted higher than heavens where there's only comfort, not comfort(grace) & discomfort(law) on high. To gain CJ people Paul did the same thing. For there is no discomfort in "the God of all comfort", nor any law in "the God of all grace", nor any darkness in "that God is light".

CJ believers "shall suffer"
in Christ Jesus", is they "shall suffer" persecution: 2Timothy 3:12; And often from their own countrymen, as also Jews: 1Thessalonians 2:14. CJ people are unaware "the newWhat's notable about "Christ Jesus" believers: "who will live godly(childish)(grace) agreeth not with the old(law)": Luke 5:36, and contrary things cannot co-exist in peace. They are pro suffering, pro sacrifice, to the point of thinking Jesus wouldn't receive nor drink "mingled" drink on the cross was because he wan't to suffer, feel all the pain. CJ people are also pro law and prone to warfare, both physical and spiritual warfare; Not realizing Christ is our "peace", not our war, because Christ is the end of the law, not the mend of law. But CJ believers actually think they do God a service, by being divisional, most oft due to false teaching and preaching they've heard; Never knowing God's will to have mercy, and not sacrifice, is to have grace, not law. The Salvation Army is one example of such legalism, having a War Cry rather than teaching Christ is our peace who abolished the law. The result of it is many suffer needlessly, as well as their children, from such churchy legalism.

Romans 1: concerning Jesus-->Christ, and the gospel of Christ
Sets the stage for an epistle to the world: both Jews and Gentiles, as a shew; And for the theme: global chanGe: from faith(law) to faith(grace) through J-->C. Five times Paul mentions Jesus Christ, as if to clarify five books of Moses, noting JC is both "the Lord" and "our Lord": The Son of God with power, to chanGe. When it comes to "separated" (set apart for a purpose), it is unto "the gospel of God": Grace unto You from God "our Father". When it comes to "not ashamed", it's "the gospel of Christ": Peace from C of J-->C. So the gospel of Paul is Grace and Peace from God(our Father) and Son(J-->C). For Jesus brought division(unrest), and not peace: shame on you all for playing the blame game; But Christ: the end of the law is our peace(rest), and not divided.

Romans 2: Accussing and Excusing is "Inexcusable" Behaviour
Reminds both Jews and Gentiles law judging of others and thinking to excuse yourself is an "inexcusable" blame game which is self-condemning with notable consequences: indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish. For a constant theme throughout the Bible is: there is no respect of persons with God; And it is "evident" that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God: Galatians 3. Therefore God did not send his Son to condemn(law) the world: John 3:17, nor to accuse(law) any: John 5:45; Since law would also condemn the accuser, as it did to Moses, who died short of entering and received not the promise.

Romans 3: None righteous, no, "not one": would make God a sinner
Reminds both Jews and Gentiles condemnation of law is all encompasssing, to the point all are concluded sinners, none are righteous, no, "not one". But God is one, God & Son are one, and we all are one. For the prayer of Son to God was that we would also be one, as God & Son are one: John 17: 11,22. So the law, all encompassing condemnation of law, would also make God a sinner, God & Son sinners, both Jews and Gentiles sinners all. Problem is, law imputed sin also imputes unpardonable sin, both here and hereafter. Law is also the strength of sin's death sting: 1Corinthians 15:56; James 1:15. So the only plausible eternal salvation to one and all is by abolition of law once for all. So, letting yourself be a sinner by law also makes God & Son sinners. So stop law imputing sin and death for the hell of it, for law brings hellish things.

Romans 4: Law worketh wrath: destruction, not salvation: construction
Reminds both Jews and Gentiles "Law worketh wrath"; But where no law, there [is] no transgression of law. So the woman, being deceived, was in the transgression: 1Timothy 2:14, denotes the woman was in the law; And law has to be abolished for the man and woman(allegory: the church) to be saved from her transgression of the law, the penalty being death. So Christ abolished "the law of commandments" in Genesis 2:17 of 2:16 vs 2:17; Since all the other laws (10 in stone & 613 in ink) were "added", and because of the transgression. So by abolishing one tree law, he effectively abolished all law written in stone & ink.

Romans 5: Sin is not imputed when there is no law; Peace is thru J-->C
Reminds both Jews and Gentiles law imputes sin, also unpardonable sin, also death. But when there is no law, then no sin or death sting of law. So let us compare one man vs one man as if death unto all vs life unto all, and be reconciled to life of one man, instead of death of the other one man. Peace with God is through Jesus-->Christ, not in Jesus' division and not peace. Christ died for us, and while we were yet sinners (enemies); But Christ died unto the law, not by the law, which is as becoming alive unto God(Grace): Romans 6:11. Where law imputed sin & death abounded, grace & life much more abound; If law vs grace glories compared as ministrations of death vs life, then law has "no glory" by reason of comparison: 2Cor3; as if "nothing" but sounding brass, of a counter part, the imperfect part to put away when the perfect part comes.

Romans 6: ye/we are not under the law, but under grace x2
Reminds both Jews and Gentiles are "not under the law, but under grace" x2. Galatians 5 brings clarity: If ye be led of the Spirit ye are not under the law; But if justified by the law you're fallen from grace to law, a fearful thing in Hebrews 10:31, because then Christ(is the end of the law) is of no effect to you. Concerning the death of "Jesus Christ", only "Christ" is raised from the dead; For in that Christ died, it's unto sin(law) once, not by sin(law) again & again. Thereby old man(law) crucified, and we live unto God(Grace) even as mortals. For the wages of sin(law) is death, but the gift(grace) of God is e-life thru J-->C.

Romans 7: We're delivered from the law; Dead to law by body of Christ
Reminds both Jews and Gentiles we are delivered from the law as if law were the old husband that died in order for us to be married to another: to grace. Connecting Romans 7's "delivered from the law" with 1Thessalonians 1:10's "delivered from wrath" and Matthew 6:13's "deliver us from evil", it becomes obvious law(worketh wrath) is both good and evil, ends with evil concupiscence. God(Grace) hath not appointed us to wrath(law).  For God our Savour will have all men saved(graced) AND aware(truthed) what they're delivered from: law(evil). Such would also make the other God on high: Law: False God our destroyer. Law is good, but both good and evil; Law is holy, but both holy and unholy; Law is spiritual, but spiritual abuse and spiritual perversion. So another law made Paul feel wretched, since law is also evil concupiscence: a guilt trip due to the conscience not being purged, which only occurs by abolition of the law.

Romans 8: Law vs Law is as Loser vs Loser for both Jews and Gentiles
Romans 8 is tricky, a CJ chapter, not a JC chapter. Since law is both natural and spiritual, we've begun the spiritual part of natural first, spiritual afterward (1Cor 15); Or last Adam part of first Adam (soul), last Adam (spirit). However as in Adam all die, whether first or last. Only in Christ shall all be made alive. Letting law be also spiritual will get you puffed up to on high and right standing with Jesus: But highminded is a be not, and standing (unrest) is not seated (rest). It brings us to adoption, plural sons, and being children of God on high; But the higher exhortation is be no more children. Although there is therefore now no condemnation to them in Christ Jesus, and due to abolition of law; The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is perhaps the Spirit of error: 1John4 and temporal life of life(grace) + death(law). For Law vs Law is as Loser vs Loser: divided, against itself. Any kingdom divided "against itself" shall "fall" to desolation of law, not rise to salvation of grace. Fallen is defined as from grace to law: Gal 5:4, a fearful thing: Heb 10:31. So let's go on, higher than on high.

Romans 9: the called: the elect: us: are both Jews and Gentiles
Reminds both Jews and Gentiles that children of the flesh(law) are not children of God(grace), and the children of the promise are counted for the seed (Christ), not those who try and fail to attain righteousness of the law by works. Another tricky and this time Ghostly chapter of mercy & hardening, love & hate, honour & dishonour from God(?), with the Clay not even allowed to ask the Potter why. Also lots of mirrorly reverse sayings, such as have I? will I? etc. Such dual love & hate God: Law, which oft bwd speaks the reverse of fwd, authors confusion, not peace. True God: Grace authors peace, not confusion. So let us not perceive any divisional difference between Jews and Gentiles, even though Gentiles attained righteousness by faith, but Jews didn't by works of law. For there's no respect of persons with God. There is, however, things to be learned by giving more earnest heed to what's been said; And what Paul says in Galatians 3:11 is "the law is not of faith". So if Gentiles attained righteousness by faith, then it's by grace, not law; The moral being: we should begin our faith-->hope-->charity never fails with grace, lest we also attain not.

Romans 10: Christ is the end of the law, not mend of law
Reminds both Jews and Gentiles Paul's desire is to have Israel (of Jacob-->Israel) saved (graced and truthed); By enduring to the end, to be established in grace. Up till now, they've been more of a disobedient and gainsaying people. For they have zeal, but not according to knowledge, being ignorant of God's righteousness (God's grace). For as Romans 9 noted, and Romans 10 continues to note, there is no true righteousness in the law (lefteousness) to attain. So "Christ is the end of the law" for righteousness. There is no difference between Jew and Greek(Gentile), since there is no respect of persons with God, and "the same" Lord is over all; "the same" allegorically being "Jesus Christ" (not CJ): Hebrews 13:8. And since dissimulating Peter (preacher to the Jews) was not making such clear to Jews, Paul (preacher to the Gentiles) becomes as a preacher to the Jews also, and to preach "the gospel of peace", not division.

Romans 11: Save some? Scuttles all perish till it becomes none perish
Reminds both Jews and Gentiles the works of law make the grace of God "no more grace", but rather grace + law, which is as blessed + cursed = accursed. So a God that gives slumber, deafness, blindness to some is Law, not Grace. And a God who always has an election of grace, to scuttle all perish, is Grace. For one God would cast them away, law impute sin and death to them; But that God reconciling the world to himself "in Christ"(is the end of the law), does not impute sin to them: 2Corinthians 5:19, and promises to never leave nor forsake, as noted in Deuteronomy 31: 6,8; Joshua 1:5; Hebrews 13:5. Let us note, of two Gods allegorically compared, they're opposed about "them". One God: Law, concluded them all in unbelief; And one God: Grace has mercy on them all. Let us also note there's two sorts of reconciled: unto death (as enemies) and unto life (as friends); So two different "reconciling the world" scenarios: one reconciled to death, one to life. Yet when putting away one for the other one, it's as if life from the dead. But let us be not highminded, for highminded is akin to double minded: unstable(James 1); Which can result in being cast away by being reconciled to death, but not reconciled to life, if your goodness(grace) continue not. So be merciful, and let your mercy also be as salvation unto them who still believe not the gospel of grace and peace.

Seven Gifts of Romans 12 [with clarity]
                           1. Prophecy [rather let us prophesy]
                           2. Ministry [be ministered grace; to minister grace & peace]
                           3. Teaching [but learn first, and then teach]
                           4. Exhorting [exhort up higher, after first edifying]
                           5. Giving [do it with simplicity]
                           6. Ruling [do it with diligence]
                           7. Shewing Mercy [do it with cheerfulness]

Romans 12: Bless(Grace) and curse(law) not. Mind not high(law) things.
Reminds both Jews and Gentiles to live peaceably with all men; And be not overcome of evil(law), but overcome evil with good(grace), by running the race along with patience, unto the end already written. To do so, to make it to the end alive unto God, it requires a weight loss, as is noted in Hebrews 12.

Romans 13: Time to awake. The night is far spent, the day at hand.
Reminds both Jews and Gentiles to put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, the lusts(laws) thereof.

Romans 14: Let every man be fully persuaded; not coerced
Reminds both Jews and Gentiles to be accountable; Let not your good(grace) be evil(law) spoken of. Follow after things which make for peace (not division) and edify (uplift, not put down) one another. To better understand the concluding two verses of Romans 14, see Galatains 3:11 which notes "the law is not of faith", and "whatsoever is not of faith is sin" in Romans 14:23. So let us begin our faith-->hope-->charity never faileth with grace, not law; Lest our hope become as hopeless instead of hopeful. Rather let our chanGe be from faith(law) to faith(grace), and let us be fully persuaded that grace is sufficient.

an ongoing work

Romans 15
Reminds both Jews and Gentiles

Romans 16: Mark & Avoid them causing Divisions
Reminds both Jews and Gentiles

Last Trump: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
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